MVR (Mechanical Vapor Recompression) evaporation technology is noticeably advantageous in energy conservation, reducing energy cost by 3/4 compared with conventional two-effect evaporator. The key point is that the secondary steam can be recycled after enthalpy increase by mechanical compression, greatly decreasing the demand of fresh steam and process water.
A complete MVR evaporator consists of several
sub-systems including feeding weighing and calculation, pre-heating,
thickening, separation, spraying, compressor, vacuum machine, washing and
automation control. The core technology of MVR lies in steam compressor, with
centrifugal vapor compressor and Root’s compressor being widely used.
To have each ton of water evaporated, the operation cost
of the system: electricity consumption 35.8kW·h (including 28.1kW·h for
compressor); steam consumption less than 400kg.